We are dedicated to providing cutting-edge medical treatments to our patients. Our Radiofrequency Ablation Unit offers advanced solutions for managing varicose veins and haemorrhoids and improving quality of life.

Why Choose Our Radiofrequency Ablation Unit?

If you or YOUR loved one is struggling with Vericose veins or haemorrhoids etc., don't hesitate to reach out to our Radiofrequency Ablation Unit at [SVMM CHARITABLE HOSPITAL]. Our compassionate team headed by renowned cardiothoracic and vascular surgeon Dr. Arvind Kohli is providing state of the art treatment with this facility and the patient becomes mobile in few hours as compared to the massive trauma encountered by him by other conventional treatment. This technology for the treatment of varicose veins and haemorrhoids is only available in Swami Vivekananda Hospital in Jammu Division at very much affordable rates by everybody.